Helen working with the choir in Newport |
For the second time this autumn, a team from CMM travelled to the Isle of Wight. Instead of visiting for a music week, this time it was to join with the local churches in two performances of Two Sisters and a Funeral, as well as leading a service, a Bible study and an evening meeting.
Devon, Ann and Sarah |
The team for the visit was Roger, Helen, Sarah (Mary), Ann (Martha), Devon (Lazarus) and Andrew (Jesus). Sarah is a member of the Isle of Wight diaspora, so this was a wonderful opportunity for her to go home and stay with her parents in Shanklin, who were the main instigators for the trip along with Trish and June.
Andrew in action |
After a smooth crossing on Friday evening the team went to St John's Newport for a lovely meal and then a rehearsal with the choir, which had been so well trained by June. The choir were excellent, and represented a huge variety of churches across the Island. The rehearsal went well... ish. The choir were fine, but it was the first time these soloists had worked together and there were a few teething problems and forgotten lines! The technicians worked really hard sorting out the mics and backing track for everyone, and the end result was excellent.
June and Trish with Roger |
On Saturday the team had a bit of free time and lunch out before another rehearsal and the first performance at St John's in the evening. There was a large audience who seemed to really enjoy the performance - there was even some prayer ministry afterwards, which is always great to see as one of CMM's main aims is for people to encounter God.
Some of the choir |
On Sunday morning the team were at Shanklin URC, where the service was led by the minister, Brian Harley. Brian took the opportunity to lead the pre-service extended praise from his guitar, and then led into a time of remembrance (with Helen playing the last post from the balcony). After this time, he handed over to the CMM team who led a block of praise followed by Roger's talk. The worship band at Shanklin are excellent, and it was a real blessing to be involved in a church that puts worship, the word and the Holy Spirit all at the centre from which mission and service can flow.
The rehearsal in Freshwater |
Straight after lunch the team travelled to Freshwater to the town hall for the second performance of Two Sisters. This performance was even better than the first, and there was standing room only in the hall - not even standing room, as 20 people sadly had to be turned away.
Ann with Meg at Jane's |
On Monday the team had a day off (in the rain), which included lunch and a Bill Bailey DVD at Jane's and then dinner at the Harley's. On Tuesday morning Andrew, Ann and Devon travelled home, leaving Roger, Sarah and Helen to lead a lunchtime Bible Study at Shanklin URC, and then an evening meeting at Newport Congregational church. There were approximately 30 at the Bible study, which Roger led based on Mary sitting at Jesus' feet. A number of people received prayer afterwards.
Roger, Helen and Sarah with Caleb |
In the evening the session was based around the tabernacle progression in praise, and the team were joined by Caleb on his djembe. There were about 100 people present and an amazing feeling of worship and God's presence.
Huge thanks go to Trish, Jane, June, Brian and Janet for making it all possible. Thanks to to Barrie for most of these photos (the best ones!).
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