Hi Folks

Yesterday Mary and I came down to Morrisburg to stay overnight with our frineds Nick and Jane. We even managed to do some geocaching, and the weather is very warm and sunny for this time of the year.

We finish here on Sunday when I preach at the three morning services, and we also lead the Worship at the final one.
Mary and I travel to Niagara Sunday afternoon.
It's a great privilege to know you folk are thinking about us and praying. Thank you all so much,
Roger and Mary
Their final update came a couple of days later:

Two Sisters and a Funeral in Kanata was tremendous. It was a full house and everyone performed wonderfully well. The Holy Spirit was very present! The feedback at the end was so encouraging, and I think it will really envision them for their own mini-tours with the musical. They are planning to do at least 4 productions.

We have three services this morning. I preach at them all, and also lead music for the final one, then Mary and I set off for Niagara. I am now really glad we changed our plans and decided to go by train rather than drive for 7 hours!
Sarah, Amy and Paul return to UK on Monday. They have been a great team - very supportive and each one playing a great part.
You may not hear so much from now on! We are looking forward to a real rest and experience in Niagara. We come back to Ottawa on Wednesday, before flying out on Thursday, arriving UK Friday morning,
It has been a great trip. There will be plemty to share about later!
Thanks for prayers and thoughts!
Roger and Mary
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