Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Roger in Israel part 2

It's been nearly a week since I added an update about Roger's trip to Israel, and he just has a couple of days left.  Before he gets back and gives a fuller report, here are his latest updates:

Friday 10th, 0945:
Just got my first Israeli cache - on Mt of Beatitudes!

Saturday 11th, 0531:
We are leaving Galilee today and travelling down to Jerusalem, via Nazareth, Mt Carmel and Caesarea.  I think the next few days will be action-packed, come to think of it, as they were for Jesus as he 'set his face to go to Jerusalem'.

Saturday 11th, 0704:
All going well and really inspirational, challenging and informative.

Sunday 12th, 1311:
Just been to a great worship service at Christ Church Jerusalem - excellent teaching from rector David Pilaggi - lovely worship.  Going to King of Kings Praise tonight.

Monday 13th, 0523:
An exciting day in and around Jerusalem today, including visits to Yad Vashem (Holocaust Museum) and Bethlehem.  Even though I have been in this place many times there is still so much to see.  The Lord is really blessing our group.

Monday 13th, 1208:
Just had visit to Yad Veshem (museum).  Significantly developed since last visit.  Incredibly moving and upsetting.

Monday 13th, 1922:
Yad Vashem (Holocaust Museum) was one of the most moving and distressing experiences of my life.  Everyone should know about this and make sure it never happens again.  To think that the leader of Iran tells his people that the Holocaust never happened is one of the most abominable stances imaginable.  We need to watch and pray with urgency!

Tuesday 14th, 0929:
Standing at the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem.

Wednesday 15th, 0510:
We had a wonderful day walking around the old city and temple mount yesterday.  Today we go to the dead sea and Massada.  Shalom from Jerusalem!

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