Monday, 9 May 2011

A time of renewal

On Sunday evening we held another renewal meeting at Christ Church, Ward End.  These renewal meetings have been an absolute delight, as God has consistently turned up to bless, heal and challenge.

This time Andy Jolley was the speaker, and he focused on becoming the person God made us to be - following on from the opening quotation in the sermon for William and Kate's marriage.  He encouraged us to think about things that have stopped us from being who we were made to be and also to ask the Holy Spirit to come and fill us - not just in our areas of strength but in our areas of weakness.  He reflected on John 6 and 7, and all the different opinions and outside influences which were threatening Jesus and his identity.

Once again we had a great music group, and Roger led worship - including a new hymn from the forthcoming collaboration between Roger and Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith.

The next renewal service is on Sunday 26th June at Christ Church at 6.30pm.  Do encourage people to come.

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