Friday 30 April 2021

CMM Supporters' Evening and other important dates

Dear friends

When Jesus said to Peter that "I will build my church and the gates of hell will not stand against it,” (Matthew 16:18) he was thinking of much worse opposition than a pandemic and a much greater building force than just our own feeble efforts. I want to tell you that he is still building his church and it is a privilege, albeit in a small way, that he involves us all, including CMM and our many friends.

We have many exciting things to tell you about, so please forgive a list:

  • 20 May - Our Annual Supporters' Evening 8:00 to 9:00 PM. Normally we can accommodate just over 40 people at this event, but last year’s YouTube video has so far reached over 1000. Covid or not, we are excited to present this most important meeting in a similar way on our YouTube Channel. In future mailings we will let you know the actual link.
  • 24 May - SAINTS ALIVE! Singalong - the Jerusalem Joy event was so popular we thought you might like to join us again, at Pentecost, to take part in our musical about the birthday of the church! Contact Helen on  to obtain the zoom code.
  • 29 May–05 June - MUSIC WEEK at Rydal Hall, Cumbria. due to restrictions this will not be a normal week, but arrangements are being made for us to share together in times of worship, Bible teaching and Holy Spirit encounter. (Book direct on this number: 015394 32050)
  • 11-17 July – TORN CURTAIN week at Beechwood Court, Conwy, North Wales - at present we aim to base this week around our musical, and singers, instrumentalists and those who don't think they're either are very welcome! (Booking: 01492 593405)
(NB. At both these weeks we shall use the “Torn Curtain” musical as our main resource, and you can order music books and CDs from us.)

Looking ahead we have two exciting WORSHIP WORKS weeks:
  • 30 August–03 September - Thornleigh, Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria – worshippers, leaders, musicians, in fact all are welcome to spend time worshipping, learning new songs, enjoying the Lord’s presence amongst us. (Booking: 01539 532733)
  • 22-26 November - The Pleasaunce, Overstrand, Norfolk – a lovely new venue for us, and we are looking forward to spending time together worshiping the Lord! (Booking: 01263 579212)

Saturday 06 November – THREE WISE CAMELS, with a massed choir and orchestra, at the Coton Centre, Tamworth – Book this date! Further details to follow.

Please see our Diary – 2022 is also building, including a visit to the Oberammergau Passion Play and a Mozart concert in Salzburg.

HEART & SOUL continues each week (Weds 6-8pm) and some forthcoming guests include Michael Card, Cindy Kent and Brian Hoare

Finally, we have an exciting vacancy at CMM – a potentially life-changing appointment for someone to join our team with special responsibility for Administration and Media. It’s 3 days a week, mainly based in Lickey End, Worcestershire. If you know someone this might fit, then please encourage them to contact me as soon as possible at  - have a look at the job description and pass it on.

As I said at the beginning, there are great and even better times ahead! Let's keep in touch with each other, but most importantly with our wonderful Lord!


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