Wednesday 23 January 2019

Roger's January eNews

Hi Folks - We’ve just had our annual retreat weekend with our EBRG support group, Trustees and some of our close friends. Under the ministry of Rev Keith Powell we received great blessing and a renewed vision for the future.  As you will have guessed, I’m not planning on retirement, but “thinning” things down in order to keep going.  We have much to tell you about where we believe the Lord is leading the CMM over the coming years and once again we are asking for both your prayer and financial support in order to be able to keep following him.  These bullet points are a summary – do see below for more detail:

  • MUSICALS – involving our whole team and others far and near – days, weekends, weeks, missions
  • OTHER MUSIC – collections, arrangements, other authors
  • TORN CURTAIN – relaunching both the Communion Setting and the Musical
  • SPIRIT WORKS & WORSHIP WORKS – leading evening, weekend and day courses in churches, and promoting the books as a resource for encouraging renewal in churches and individuals
  • MUSICAL MAN – evenings of song and testimony, a wonderful way of encouraging and sharing the love of Jesus
  • HEART & SOUL – our weekly internet radio show (Weds 6-8pm) sharing amazing stories and inspiring music
  • HOUSE GROUP MATERIAL – already four books available and more to come!

MUSICALS – these have always been a major weapon in our armoury.  Annie loves leading musical-in-a-day events, and Helen will also lead some, but we have other choir trainers/conductors, who together with CMM associate soloists, can lead a day or weekend involving local singers.  On special occasions Roger can come in at the final stage either to conduct, speak or preach at local church services – don’t be afraid to ask!
We also have our Music Weeks (see our LATEST NEWS for 2019 venues) which enable folks of all ages and abilities to come together in a beautiful setting to learn a musical.  Alongside musical rehearsals the weeks include Spirit-filled worship, Bible teaching and plenty of time to relax and holiday!  This year we have Wildfire weeks in Cumbria, North Devon, Yorkshire Dales and South Devon.
We aim to keep all of our musicals in print, either physically or digitally on Kindle, and all our recordings are available on CD and digitally to download or stream from iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and other online platforms.  Have a look at our new 2019 Catalogue

OTHER MUSIC – our best anthems and choral arrangements are available on the Choral Collection page of our online shop.  We are also in conversation with other composers and writers, so watch this space!

TORN CURTAIN - we’re so excited that in 2019 TORN CURTAIN is once again going to be in print!  We begin with a launch of the Communion Setting on Saturday 2nd March, and then on October 12th we will be holding a special choir and orchestra day in Tamworth again – contact Helen on if you would like to attend either date.

SPIRIT WORKS – a resource book based upon the power, gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit.  This book provides material for practical and teaching sessions where folks can explore, understand and experience the work of the Spirit in a safe and gentle environment.  Encouraging others to receive ongoing renewal in the power of the Spirit has always been the basic aim of CMM, and this book is the result of many years of ministry.

WORSHIP WORKS – similar to SPIRIT WORKS, but majoring of the ministry of worship within the lives of individuals and churches, again, with practical teaching and exercises.  This is not just for musicians but for the whole worshipping  community.

MUSICAL MAN – in 2015 Graham Allan wrote a wonderful biography of Roger, and it has inspired some very special ‘Musical Man’ evening events where Roger shares his life-story illustrated by songs from the musicals and collections.  They can be with or without a local group of singers/choir.  These have proved to be very moving evenings,  and an opportunity to bring friends with or without a church connection.  We normally offer these midweek, but can be flexible.

HEART & SOUL – we have an amazing opportunity to broadcast Christian music and stories – it’s 6-8pm every Wednesday on . Roger co-hosts it alongside two other CMM “favourites” Rev Simon Gudger and Debra Mayo.  We’ve already had lots of interesting guests, including Canon Andrew White, Timothy Dudley-Smith, Chris Eaton, Dave Bilborough, Jonathan Viera and many more.  Make sure you tune in, or keep an eye on our blog page for links to past shows.

HOUSE GROUPS – the musicals are a wonderful way for people to learn about the Bible through music, but we love to encourage choirs and congregations to go deeper.  In partnership with Simon Cooper at Refreshment we have been developing courses that can either accompany each musical or stand-alone. These are ready to use courses, with suggested activities, teaching, discussion and prayer times, all aimed at enriching the spiritual life of members.  We already have books based upon WILDFIRE (Wood for the Fire by Peter Lawrence), JAIL BREAK (Breaking News by Peter Lawrence), BARNABAS, ROCK, and there will be more to follow!

Special announcement!  Mary and I have been asked to lead a special trip to Oberammergau in 2020.  This will be a very special trip as it also includes a stay in Salzburg and a Mozart concert!  Download further details and the booking form here.

This week, with Mick Green, I travel out to Abu Dhabi (in UAE), in order to explore the possibility of a Musical Mission later this year.  Whilst over there I will be preaching twice and leading WORSHIP WORKS seminars, so greatly value your prayers, that God will guide us, keep us safe and lead us regarding future ministry!

Keep in touch and bless you all!

Roger Jones

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