Monday 28 November 2011

Two Sisters in Hemel Hempstead

Last weekend Roger and Devon travelled down to Hemel Hempstead for a performance of Two Sisters.  Sarah Moreton is the local organiser there, and she also took the role of Martha, with other local soloists taking the Mary, Jesus and baddie roles.

The performance was at the South Hill Centre near the centre of Hemel - the same venue for our evening with Devon back in January.

Roger says that the choir were superb - excellently trained, and that the performance was really moving.  The particular highlight for him was Abide with me - He says that it felt like the whole musical was building up to that point and that it felt like it was having a huge impact.

The following morning Roger, Devon and Sarah went to St. Thomas' Watford to lead the morning service.  This is where Sarah holds her Watford choir rehearsals.  They had a wonderful morning - Roger spoke about Mary, Martha and Lazarus, and the sermon finished with Devon singing his song 'O Lord how excellent you are' and wandering round the congregation singing over them.

Sarah sent this email after the event:
Dearest friends,

“The sweetest and best harmony is, when every part or instrument is not heard by itself, but a conflation of them all” (Francis Bacon )

Well, I think there was conflation in abundance at Saturday evening’s performance of ’Two Sisters And A Funeral’! What a coming together – of voices, minds, hearts and the Lord’s spirit - as we sang God’s praises and shared His message of unending love with our audience and with each other. Thank you ALL, once again, for helping to make the performance such a resounding success.

I’m sure you will have your own special memories of Saturday evening. On a very personal note, It was a rare treat (and one I shall savour and treasure for a long time) to sing alongside you all, old friends and new, rather than being out the front pulling faces at you...

The highlight for me was the rendition of the last two verses of ‘Abide With Me’. Although often chosen for funerals (and therefore highly appropriate for this musical I guess!), I wonder how many people will have sung it and been so powerfully struck by the reassurance of God’s presence (in challenging and painful times AND in that moment the musical!) as I was – ‘I triumph still if Thou abide with me.’ A spine-tingling moment indeed.

Bless you all,

Sarah xxx

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