Thursday, 9 December 2010

A busy Annie weekend (part 1)

After last weekend's CMM in two places, Annie was the one that was incredibly busy.  On Friday night she travelled down to Salisbury with Sue, ready to be up bright and early to lead Simeon in a day.

There is a large choir in Salisbury that have taken part in lots of CMM's tours, ably led by Grahame and Jennifer Chubb and Andy and Alison Larkham.  The group in Salisbury provided all the soloists for the day, and Annie says they were excellent and did a fantastic job.

These are the texts we received from Annie during the day:

Simeon going so well that I'm doing an Angel Voices taster, as that's their next project.
Wonderful day and performance.  Simeon so joyous!  Sue and I driving back now.  Snow all melted here.

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