Friday, 5 November 2010

Weekend in Bramhall

On the weekend of 15-17 October, Roger travelled to St. Michael's church in Bramhall, Stockport for a music in worship weekend called 'Psalms and Praise'. He took with him Annie, Andrew Lockwood, Amy Carter, Jaime Dawson, Val Dawson and Brenda Earnshaw. It was wonderful to be invited to Bramhall - CMM have several really good friends who live in the area, some of whom attend St. Michael's. Louise Richardson at the church has regularly trained choirs for our tour performances, and we regularly see people like Bob and Tricia Munn and Angie Wilson at our music weeks.

On the Saturday the team began by leading a plenary session called 'Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord' based on Psalm 95 - looking at using music in worship, incorporating thanksgiving, praise and more intimate worship.

Then Roger and Annie led two workshop streams, including creative worship, learning new songs, ministering in the Spirit and receiving the power of the Spirit.

The final session on the Saturday was called 'Search me O God and know my heart' based on Psalm 139.

On the Sunday Roger had to preach at two out of the three morning services - one more traditional than the other, and Annie and Amy helped in the Sunday school, teaching the kids 'Our God is a great big God' which went down like a storm with the kids and the congregation.

In the afternoon Roger and the team led one final celebration and then travelled home after a very busy weekend.

Thanks so much to Bob, Louise and all at Bramhall for inviting the CMM team.

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