Monday, 28 September 2009

Angel Voices in a day

It's always great to hear from you all about your events. Last weekend Sarah Moreton, a long standing friend and regular associate for CMM led a musical in a day in Croxley Green. Sarah is the conductor of the Joyful Noise Choir in and around Hemel Hempstead, and who form the basis of our trips to Watford or Hemel for the larger CMM tours. Sarah's musical of choice was Angel Voices, which is one of Roger's longest musicals, so we were all most impressed she managed to fit it into a day!

This is what she had to say:

"Only a small choir (30) but most of them had sung it before and were really excited about singing it again, incl the soli, who were fab. Had a good audience (outnumbered the choir considerably, anyway!) And we raised £400 for charity! So, all in all, a good day."

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