On a Saturday in late January, Roger, Mary, Annie and a team consisting of Amy, Marilyn and Tim and Lydia travelled to Holy Trinity Church in Worthing for a Worship Works day. The team had been invited by long term friends of CMM Jane and George Hicks. It was a poignant visit, because the church was about to be closed by the diocese, and all of the members moved to a different congregation in the town.

The day was well attended, and folks seemed to be blessed by all the team had to share. Roger led three of the main plenary sessions - 'The Worship Seeker', 'Sunday morning and the praise block', and 'Sing a new song'. In the afternoon Annie led a session on learning new material, incorporating some of the music from Seasons and Reasons.

The next morning Roger, Mary, Annie, Amy and Marilyn stayed to help lead the morning service. Roger spoke about the woman at the well in John 4, and the father seeking worshippers.
It was good to see so many friends among those attending the day. We pray for the congregation at Holy Trinity, and may God bless them as they begin afresh elsewhere.
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