At the start of March Roger, Mary, Helen, Ann, Jane and Yvette travelled to Snape, in Bedale, on the edge of the Yorkshire Moors. The team had been invited by John Duck and the Methodist church there to come and minister on the theme of Worship. John had attended the day CMM led in Cotherstone a couple of years ago, and decided it would be great for his circuit.

The team were treated to a lovely lunch (including beef that was formerly called Pippa) when they arrived on Saturday, and then the local preachers and worship leaders from the circuit and beyond began to gather ready for the afternoon.
Helen led the first session - a practical session which considered the value of music in worship and the place of the 'Praise Block' in a Sunday morning service. It was unusual to start with such a practical session, but those who attended seemed very keen to take everything in.

Roger led the second afternoon session about creative and prophetic worship. It was astonishing how willing those present were to step out of their comfort zones. Almost everyone present spoke out or sang out what they thought Jesus was saying in the situation.
Rachel on oboe |
After a shared tea (Snape Methodist seems to be particularly renowned for its shared meals), a completely different group of people arrived for the special celebratory evening based on Psalms, Hymns and Songs. Jane contributed wonderfully with her dance, and the team were also joined by Graham on drums and Rachel on the oboe.
Yvette ministering to people |
On Sunday morning the team led the morning service. Helen preached on Mary and Martha, and Roger led the rest of the service. There was a particularly special moment after the sermon when Yvette sang 'Child, you are more precious than silver' and Jane helped Helen with the ministry time. A number of people seemed to really receive from God.

After an afternoon off (involving sleep - Roger - or ice cream - the rest), the weekend culminated in a circuit service based around the theme of the tabernacle. It was amazingly well attended, as was the whole weekend, and the worship seemed to really flow.

We had a wonderful comment in a letter:
"Dear Roger and team,
What a joy and a privilege it was to have you come to us at the weekend, and on behalf of the Guild here in Snape and the wider circuit may I say thank you so much. I know it has been a tremendous blessing to many in the in the conversations and comments I have heard. I do trust what the Lord had to say to us through you, we will take on board. On a personal note I was transported to the very throne of grace (I had almost forgotten what it was like to be so). The lady who danced in the Spirit was amazingly beautiful and the singers what a blessing they were too. So thank you all once again and may the Lord continue to use you, bless you, encourage and protect you all as you work to further His wonderful salvation."
Thanks so much to all at Snape Methodist for inviting the team, and may God bless you as you await a new minister.
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