For the last weekend Roger and Mary have been ministering in Bognor Regis. Whenever they visit Bognor they take the chance to visit friends, staying with Brenda and visiting Jane and Harry, Geoff and Marion, Val and Robin, and Geoff (another one!). So it was a busy but rewarding visit for them both.

The main reason for their visit to the area was to spend some time ministering and sharing at Aldwick Baptist Church. This church has been through some difficult times, and is now in interregnum, so Roger feels that it was good and helpful for them all to simply focus on worshipping Jesus throughout the weekend.
Roger's team were due to be Sarah (vocals and workshop leader), Val (prayer support), Tim (guitar and vocals), Lydia (cello and trumpet) and Philippa (flute), but at the last minute Sarah was ill leaving Roger with just the one vocalist and no-one to lead a workshop. This was quite stressful for Roger and Mary, but it also provided a wonderful opportunity for Roger to work with the local worship team, which included a flautist, clarinettist, guitarists and some singers.

On Saturday morning and afternoon Roger led a music in worship day, looking at being a worshipper as well as planning and leading praise. Then on the Sunday, Roger had a bit of a marathon day. In the morning he not only led the service, but played keyboard, preached and presided at the communion! In the evening he led a praise service from the keyboard, focusing on the themes of the tabernacle:
Entering the gates with thanksgiving
Coming into the courts with praise
By the blood of Jesus and the tearing of the veil coming into the most holy place

The whole weekend was well attended, but the praise evening was particularly special as several local churches closed their evening services in order to come along.
Roger and Mary were also presented with a special Ruby Wedding cake by the church, which was lovely!
The weekend was not what was originally expected, but God had some great plans beyond what we could have imagined. We praise God for his blessing, and we continue to pray for all at Aldwick Baptist at this uncertain time.
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