Thursday 17 November 2011

Seasons and Reasons Recording day

On Saturday 8th October over 100 people gathered at Christ Church, Burney Lane for an exciting day of singing and recording.  As previously mentioned in the blog, Roger and Timothy Dudley-Smith (along with Annie) have been working hard on a collection of hymns - Seasons and Reasons.  This day was the congregational recording day (the solos had already gone down), and it was great fun.  Roger, Annie and Helen took turns in conducting, while Chris King set up a mini recording studio in the side chapel.

We were absolutely delighted with the sound the choir produced.  Chris has since worked really hard to get the mixing finished, and quite a lot of the material recorded that day has been able to go on the CD, which is wonderful.

Photos by Robert Jones

Chris setting up the mics

Helen leading the warm up (not dancing!)

Some of the altos

Roger in action

Some sopranos

More sopranos!

Chris beavering away

Annie in action

Mary and some altos

More lovely altos

The tenors and basses

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