Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Roger's Christmas Mailing

"Hi Folks

At last we have persuaded Poppy to write her annual newsletter. I hope you'll notice that her spelling has now improved! In Poppy's Pages you'll find the JONES FAMILY NEWS, with information about two family weddings for 2010, exciting developments at CMM and so much more. Do have a look at:

(For all these links you will need the latest Acrobat reader. It's free! )

See the CMM NEWS for our 2010 Diary, music Weeks, Roadshows and other upcoming events:

See ANNIE'S NEWS and 2010 plans at:

HELEN'S NEWS has a summary of her remarkable year and much more:

Don't forget that by doing your Christmas (and future) shopping via the 'Easyfundraising' banner on our site, you can earn extra money for CMM and it won't cost you a penny extra! Just click on the EASY FUNDRAISING banner and follow the instructions:

We can send 'hard copies' of these Newsletters, and will if you would like them, but otherwise we are doing more and more 'online' as it is quicker and cheaper.

Do keep in touch with us. I hope we will see you at various events in the future.

Have a lovely Christmas, and we wish you God's richest blessings for the New Year.


Christian Music Ministries
0121 783 3291

Follow us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER! (find 'christianmusicm')
On Facebook - 'Roger Jones' or 'Christian Music Ministries'
See lots of CMM Photos:

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