Tuesday 11 May 2021

The Miracle Continues...


Back in 1984, my Vicar and House Group believed that God was calling me to give up the secure school teaching job and go into the unknown, a Christian music ministry. We had no idea of how it was going to work out, what it was going to be like, and how the finance would be found to support ourselves and four children! The miracle has been that in all that time the CMM Trust (formally EBRG Trust) has never failed in supplying the monthly grant, extended to support Annie who joined the team in 1994, and then Helen who joined us in 2005. We have also been able to employ administrative staff as necessary.

We have never been an organisation that is continually asking for money, although from time to time we have made the needs known. Many of you have made sacrificial contributions, either as one-off payments or regular donations, and, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank those of you who've done so!

After much prayer and consideration, we believe that the Lord is calling us to continue with this ministry. I have ideas for new songs, maybe another musical, and we are longing, when circumstances allow, to get back on the road with various events.

We also believe that in using the latest technology we have a whole field of online ministry with music and teaching. You will see from our diary there are already many events in place, and I am very excited about the future. I believe the Lord is giving us a great vision and strategy for at least the next three years.

Therefore, together with the CMM Trustees and our EBRG support group, we believe it right to make this very special appeal to our friends and associates throughout the UK and further afield. The stark facts are that without an increased support we will not be able to fulfil the ministry that we believe God is calling us to.  Many of you have made incredible one-off donations, and quite a few make regular monthly or yearly contributions. I'm now asking for more! Will you please consider not just continuing the support, but increasing it, and especially I want to make an appeal to those of you who perhaps have not realised how much we rely on financial support in order to maintain the ministry.

One-off gifts are a joy and encouragement to receive, but it is actually the regular contributions that enable us to budget and plan the way ahead, including with the office support that is so vital. We have over 3000 people on our email list, plus a few who receive occasional hard copies of our newsletter. Please would you prayerfully consider becoming a regular donor to CMM? Many regular contributions even with small amounts will create a fantastic means of support.

I believe very much that the Lord who began the miracle back in 1984 is well capable of continuing this, but as always, he does this by laying this concern on the hearts of our friends and supporters.

So, it is with great peace and joy that I lay this before you now.

You may support us via several methods:

1. Bank Transfer or Cheque*. Click here to find out more details.

2. Virgin Money giving.

* As always, with those that can, the ability to Gift Aid will enable support to be further enhanced.

Thank you so much for your ongoing friendship in partnership in this work.

May the Lord bless you greatly.


Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you.

Ephesians 3:20 (The Passion Translation)


Dates for your diary!

  • 20 May - Our Annual Supporters' Evening 8:00 to 9:00 PM. Normally we can accommodate just over 40 people at this event, but last year’s YouTube video has so far reached over 1000. Covid or not, we are excited to present this most important meeting in a similar way on our YouTube Channel. The link will be on a future mailing close to the time!

  • 24 May - SAINTS ALIVE! Singalong - the Jerusalem Joy event was so popular we thought you might like to join us again, at Pentecost, to take part in our musical about the birthday of the church! Contact Helen on events@cmm.org.uk  to obtain the zoom code.


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