A nice early email this month, because we have so much going on! Back in February we had a wonderful day with the New Life Together Choir in Kidderminster performing TORN CURTAIN to a packed out church. Sadly I wasn't well enough to be there, but our wonderful CMM team (including all the CMM office staff - Annie, Helen, Amy and Tim) and some amazing associates helped the day go really well.
We also had a blessed evening leading worship for a healing service at Harnhill Healing Centre in Gloucestershire. It was so good to spend time worshipping in the Most Holy Place, allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to people.
Right at the end of February Helen and a team travelled to Cheltenham for a ROCK-in-a-day event with a wonderful large choir. It was an incredible day. We praise and bless God for the continuing opportunities to share the Gospel with this musical.

14th March - Holy Trinity Lickey, Birmingham
This month sees our first WORSHIP WORKS event back in the West Midlands since the launch. Holy Trinity Lickey is Roger and Mary's home church, and so we have decided to open wide the doors and encourage people from far and wide to come along. We are planning to include some fresh material, so if you've been to a Worship Works before it is still worth coming along.
Download a booking form here
Book online here
28th March - Burbage Methodist Church, Leicestershire
If you aren't able to make it to Lickey, Roger and a team will be at Burbage on Saturday 28th March. The organiser for this on is Rachel Cobb - do get in touch with her on repooclehcar@hotmail.com for more details or to book.
Once again, Roger is thrilled to have been invited by his friend Chris Bowater to take part in the Christian Resources Exhibition - and this time it's at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire. So do come along if you're in the area. We'll be taking part in Worship Thursday on 5th March. To book, follow this link.
The CMM Choir are starting their rehearsals again this week, working towards a series of special 25th anniversary concerts. The choir rehearses on Monday nights at Harborne Baptist Church, and on Tuesday nights at Christ Church Ward End. Both rehearsals are preceeded by refreshments, and then singing begins at 7.45pm. New singers most welcome!
The run of performances in the summer will include a special day on Saturday 11th July at Christ Church Ward End, where all past members of the choir are invited back for afternoon tea followed by the performance. If you are a past member, do get in touch (events@cmm.org.uk) and we'll send an invite to you!
07-08 March - MARY MAGDALENE in Pulborough
04 April - JERUSALEM JOY in Cricklade
04 April - JERUSALEM JOY in Port Talbot
25 April - JERUSALEM JOY in Warrington
01-03 May - Helen leading worship at the YPray Conference, Northampton
09-10 May - SNAKES AND LADDERS in Basingstoke
For details on any of these events contact Helen on events@cmm.org.uk
As always, thanks for your prayers and support, and we hope to see you soon!
God bless,
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