Wednesday, 30 July 2014

08 July 2014 Apostle in Hull

Barrie in action
In early July CMM made the journey to East Yorkshire for a special performance of Apostle.  The venue was Willoughby Methodist Church in North West Hull, and we were honoured to spend two evenings with the wonderful choir there - rehearsing on Monday and performing on the Tuesday.  The CMM team was Roger, with Helen and Fran taking the two disciples roles, Richard as Ananias, Devon as Saul and local boy Barrie as Barnabas.  It was great fun having Barrie as the narrator, as he was really able to interact well with the choir and audience, adding a great sense of dynamism to the performance.

Roger with the choir
The choir was absolutely wonderful, with lots of familiar faces within it.  Part of the choir was trained by Jean Gray, and the other part by Phil Davison, and they along with their accompanists had done a fantastic job.  The choir also provided the priests for the performance - Phil, Dave and Dave, and they were great characters.

Phil, Dave and Dave - our 'baddies'
On Tuesday during the day Helen, Fran and Devon were looked after by Barrie, who led a tour of the Humber Bridge combined with a visit to Cleethorpes, which was great fun.  Roger had a power nap instead!

Our wonderful sound man waiting to start
The performance itself went very well indeed, with a lovely big appreciative audience.

Thanks so much to Barrie, Phil, Liz, Jean, and all those who helped to organise such a blessed two days.

Devon as the blinded apostle
The lovely Hull choir

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