Monday 17 September 2012

Wildfire on the Island

Roger, Annie and Mary have just got back from a weekend on the Isle of Wight at St Rhadagund's Christian Endeavour hotel.  This is Roger's report that he sent part way through the week:

Our Wildfire week at St Rhadagunds Isle of Wight is going really well.  Annie has done well in preparing the choir, and the group have responded well to Roger's Bible talks.  We are looking forward to tomorrow night's performance in St Lawrence Church at 1930.
Some folks seem to be carrying great burdens and bondages, but the Spirit is at work.  We have prayed with quite a few folk already.
Wildfire is especially poignant for us, as it is the last musical our Peter played drums in, and we have been singing to his accompaniment.
The team (Roger, Mary, Annie, Kathleen, Tim, Lydia) work very well together, and we are also having a lot of fun.  The group of guests are Spiritually-minded, and we have had great worship times!

Speaking after the finish of the week, the team were delighted.  Annie felt it to be a mixture of great fun and deep ministry and worship.  She said that it was lovely how the depth of worship and ministry was offset by the lightness and silliness at other times.  That's the Holy Spirit at work!

The performance went well, with the choir singing brilliantly, and Annie conducting with Roger on piano along with three players from a local church.  The soloists did a wonderful job too.

We look forward to revisiting the Island later in the year for a Two Sisters and a Funeral weekend.

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