On Sunday last weekend we had another renewal evening. It was good to have Roger and Mary back on the team after they missed the last one. This time the speaker was Nigel di Castiglione from St. John's Harborne - a very lively church which can number Tim Hughes among its former members.
The music team for the day was Katie and Jonathan on vocals, Tim on drums, Helen on bass, Dave on guitar and soprano sax, Annie on viola, Liz on flute and Roger on piano. Roger had chosen some newer songs to try out on the congregation - two from Matt Redman - Bless the Lord, O my soul (10000 Reasons) and When I stand before your throne (Endless Hallelujah). The two songs went down really well - we're definitely adding them to the repertoire for the future.

Nigel spoke on healing and moving in the power of the Spirit. He reflected on how much more there is available to us of God's power than we use. He also said something interesting and controversial - he claimed that Jesus never prayed for healing. Jesus had done all of his praying in advance - when he met people who were sick, he knew Father's will and spoke healing instead.
These renewal evenings have been a real blessing. It has been great for us to lead worship, and wonderful to share in prayer ministry with Christ Church and their team.
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