Wednesday 8 February 2012

Last month Roger sent out his regular monthly missal with an added bonus - a free track from the latest recording, Seasons and Reasons.  The track he shared was 'Faith and truth and life bestowing', because it really sums up what CMM and EBRG are thinking about at the moment - there's a line in it which says 'So in scripture, song and story, Saviour may your voice be heard'.  This is most of CMM's ministry in a nutshell.

The response to the song was beyond what we expected:

"Many thanks for the New Song. We intend to use it at our Palm Sunday Musical Evening. Every Blessing! Jill"
"We had Church Cell at our home on Thurs and these words / song were perfect - thank you. I gave a copy of the words to our other 3 couples as they are so relevant to meeting together & exploring the bible and God's words to us. The theme for our meeting was "listening" so hearing Helen sing this so beautifully during our worship time was wonderful.Thanks again.Love, Helen & Mark"
"A great song - we intend to use it!" (Facebook comments)

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