Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Stargazers in Nairobi

We have been sent a copy of a prayer letter from Fran Etemesi, a lady working in Kenya who was at college with Roger in Birmingham.  Alongside the amazing missionary work she has been doing, she has also attended Lavington United Church in Nairobi, and joined the choir for their Christmas performances of Stargazers.  Here is what she had to say:

"When it was announced in September that the choir, youth and other groups would be doing a cantata for Christmas I offered to join them—just for that. However ... after putting that one tentative foot in, I was so drawn by the joy, fellowship, music and fun we have that by November I was fully a choir member! Interestingly the cantata we sang at Christmas was Stargazers by Roger Jones —someone I was at college with in Birmingham about 45 years ago! We performed it three times, once at the Sarit Centre (shopping mall) on a Saturday morning bringing the Christmas message of God’s love to shoppers in the city. Last week we also sang Christmas music to patients in two of the city’s hospitals. I am being richly blessed by the fellowship and my new friends in the choir."

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