Thursday, 24 November 2011

A new book and CD!

At last we can announce that not only is the Seasons and Reasons music book available, but also the CD and backing tracks! Tim has been beavering away here in the office sending out CDs to those that ordered in advance - it's been great to give a full sack to the postman for quite a few days running.

Seasons and Reasons is a joint project between CMM and Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith, uniting the Bishop's wonderful hymn words with Roger's lovely tunes.

Response to the project has been great so far:

Dear Roger
The postman has just delivered to us a copy of 'Seasons and Reasons'. Thank you so much - we love it! Apart from Timothy's beautiful words coupled with your wonderful tunes, it is so full of lovely musical memories for us! I've had a quick play through and look forward to delving deeper.

And Timothy himself said:

Dear Roger,
I am listening to the first of the two CDs which you so kindly sent - I shall much enjoy disc 2 in due course; and I shall proudly make sure my family have their own copies!  My feet are tapping as I listen!

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