Roger, Jonathan and Amy also took part in the morning service at the church on the Sunday. One of the highlights of the performance came at the end of 'O the deep, deep love of Jesus', where all of the soloists in turn sang out what they thought God was saying - despite very few of them having done this before.
We had some lovely feedback from the event both on Facebook and by email:
One lady wrote this:
Sorry I had to rush off on Sunday evening. I thought it went well. I don't know about the people listening but I had a lump in my throat and struggled to speak and sing after the crowd were shouting Crucify. Thank you so much for coming to Stowmarket and sharing your thoughts with us, helping us to achieve so much and for being obedient and writing such amazing musicals. I can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday, with friends and singing about God's love for each one of us. I hope the journey home is quick and safe. God bless you and Amy and Jonathan. Hope you come to Stowmarket again before too long.
And another lady sent this email:
Dear Roger,
I thought I'd just drop you a line to thank you again for last weekend's presentation of Two Sisters and a Funeral. We have had some very encouraging feedback.
One man in particular, a Reader Emeritus now in his 80's, came along to see the musical "rather sceptically" as he put it. He thought it might be too "over the top" for him. He told me on Monday that, on the contrary, he had found the whole event very moving - so much so that he stood at the end when people applauded.
Given that you made the break with the big events to concentrate on local church presentations, I thought this might be an encouragement for you too.
Every blessing
Jane Stretch (a.k.a. 'Mary'!)
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