After the choir rehearsal we had a bite to eat and then were involved in the evening service which was led by Phil Jackson. It was a fantastic evening service, and one of the longest normal evening services that I've been involved in - starting at 1830 and finishing at 2010. There was a wonderful praise time, and Roger spoke, and then Phil led a special communion. Lots of the choir came to the service too, which was great to see.

In the afternoon we had a team meeting back at Penrith including Mike and Barbara and Brian from Wholeness Through Christ, and then after a fantastic tea (very healthy one involving salad) we prepared for the evening performance. 

The performance was well attended and went well except for a strange problem with Sandy and Beth's iPod that kept cutting out. The choir were magnificent though, and kept singing right through the gaps. There was some good prayer ministry afterwards and a fantastic buzz all around the building. There was a whole line of ladies from Woodlands Methodist Home right on the front row, who had all thoroughly enjoyed it.
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