Thursday, 24 June 2010

Jerusalem Joy in a day

On Saturday 27th March, Annie led Jerusalem Joy in a day in Warwick. This is our second visit in the last two years to this group of churches, and it was great to be back.

Annie's team for the day was Eddie and Jenny Smith, Amy Carter and Martin Fisher. Eddie played the part of Jesus, and the others filled in the rest.

Annie reports that the day went really well except that she forgot to take a backing track CD with her. Martin was dispatched back to Birmingham to find a CD and he managed to do so, as thankfully Andrew was at home and able to let Martin in!

A highlight of the day for Annie was during the performance. Eddie, singing the part of Jesus, acted out the last supper during the song 'Isn't it wonderful', lifting up the bread and the wine at the appropriate moments - a very powerful moment.

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