Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Rock - officially out!

On Saturday 14th June we welcomed to Birmingham all of the touring party for Rock, loads of prayer warriors, and all of the organisers and choir trainers for the coming Rock tour. When all were gathered into one place... we officially launched Rock!

In the morning Rock was performed by the cast for the first time to backing track, and seemed to be very well received. Special mention goes to Paul Sodzi standing in for Simon Cooper in the role of Jesus. Well done Paul.

After lunch the prayer warriors had their meeting with the cast, and Helen and Roger bored everyone else with administration instructions and conductors notes.

To finish off the day, Roger shared a bit of his vision for CMM post Rock, and then we had a good prayer time for the whole lot.

A very satisfactory day. And Helen allowed herself a week off to recover, hence the lateness of this post!

(Photos to follow)

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